Editorial Review
A noteworthy review of One World, Many Countries from School Library Journal on November 1, 2015

Each of these titles welcomes readers to each country with a description of celebrations or places, followed by chapters about land, government and cities, and people and cultures as well as a ‘Global Connections’ section that describes the nation’s interactions with other countries. ‘Daily Life,’ the final chapter, emphasizes family life, daily and holiday foods, and celebrations and religious observations, supplemented with a sidebar page on children’s lives. The books provide considerable detail, and the coverage is generally positive, focused on people and customs, but they also discuss problems and challenges, such as communism in Cuba and the legacy of apartheid in South Africa. Illustrations are outstanding and include three maps (locator, physical, and political); large, attractive photos; and sidebars that look like postcards and that offer information about unique places, animals, plants, and culture. Content is basic, but it is enlivened by clear writing and an appealing format that underscores the diversity of life in countries of our ‘one world’. Pleasing additions to most collections in need of fresh, new titles.
—Mary Mueller