Editorial Review
A noteworthy review of Glass Jar Science from Booklist on October 1, 2019

Introducing ocean zones to young children, this slender volume offers basic information on how upper zones differ from lower ones in light, temperature, and pressure. The presentation begins in an unusual way, with a four-page chapter devoted to a hands-on project: filling a jar with five liquids of different densities. The colored liquids represent ocean zones though distinct, horizontal levels of increasingly dark layers, from clear rubbing alcohol on top to black-dyed corn syrup. Following the hands-on demonstration, a two-page, illustrated section introduces each zone, including its basic characteristics and a few creatures that might live there. The uncluttered pages feature color photos and large type in wide-spaced lines. Despite its activity-first organization, this volume from the Glass Jar Science series (8 titles) introduces a topic seldom featured in primary-grade books.
—Carolyn Phelan