Editorial Review

A noteworthy review of Youth Sports from Children's Bookwatch on February 1, 2024

Cover: Hockey

The Child’s World is a premier publisher of books for K-3 level young readers and one of their series is authored by Kara L. Laughlin and specifically dedicated to the subject of ‘Youth Sports’. https://www.childsworld.com/shop/show/8242 ‘Downhill Skiing’ (9781503869400, $32.79/$22.95, 24pp) Zoom! A skier speeds around a tree. This book introduces the basics of downhill skiing, the equipment skiers need, and the techniques they use. https://www.childsworld.com/shop/show/8248 ‘Cross-Country Skiing’ (9781503869462, $32.79/$22.95, 24pp) Whoosh! A skier glides through the forest. This book introduces the basics of cross-country skiing, the equipment skiers need, and the techniques they use. https://www.childsworld.com/shop/show/8246 ‘Snowboarding’ (9781503869448, $32.79/$22.95, 24pp) Whoosh! Powdery snow flies into the air around a colorful snowboard. This book introduces the basics of snowboarding, the equipment snowboarders need, and the techniques they use. https://www.childsworld.com/shop/show/8240 ‘Ice Fishing’ (9781503869387, $32.79/$22.95, 24pp) Splash! The fisherman pulls a squirming fish through a hole in the ice. This book introduces the basics of ice fishing, the equipment fishermen need, and the techniques they use. https://www.childsworld.com/shop/show/8239 ‘Hockey’ (9781503869370, $32.79/$22.95, 24pp) Slap! The hockey puck flies off of the ice and into the back of the net. This book introduces the basics of hockey, the equipment needed to play, and the rules of the game. https://www.childsworld.com/shop/show/8244 ‘T-Ball’ (9781503869424, $32.79/$22.95, 24pp) Smack! It’s a home run! This book introduces the basics of T-ball, the equipment needed to play, and the rules of the game. https://www.childsworld.com/shop/show/8249 ‘Tennis’ (9781503869479, $32.79/$22.95, 24pp) Whack! The yellow ball skims the top of the net. This book introduces the basics of tennis, the equipment needed to play, and the rules of the game. https://www.childsworld.com/shop/show/8245 ‘Basketball’ (9781503869431, $32.79/$22.95, 24pp) Slam dunk! The game is tied! This book introduces the basics of basketball, the equipment needed to play, and the rules of the game. https://www.childsworld.com/shop/show/8243 ‘Dodgeball’ (9781503869417, $32.79/$22.95, 24pp) Duck! The ball slams against the gym wall. This book introduces the basics of dodgeball, the equipment needed to play, and the rules of the game. https://www.childsworld.com/shop/show/8247 ‘Soccer’ (9781503869455, $32.79/$22.95, 24pp) The whistle blows! The blue team dribbles toward the goal. This book introduces the basics of soccer, the equipment needed to play, and the rules of the game. https://www.childsworld.com/shop/show/8241 ‘Flag Football’ (9781503869394, $32.79/$22.95, 24pp) Hike! The quarterback throws the ball to the end zone for a touchdown. This book introduces the basics of flag football, the equipment needed to play, and the rules of the game. https://www.childsworld.com/shop/show/8250 ‘Gymnastics’ (9781503869486, $32.79/$22.95, 24pp) Hike! The quarterback throws the ball to the end zone for a touchdown. This book introduces the basics of flag football, the equipment needed to play, and the rules of the game. Critique: Unreservedly recommended for elementary school and community library collections of children ages 5-8, each individual title features a reinforced binding and is also available in a hosted e-book format ($52.79/$36.95), and includes: Activities for further learning, Author/Illustrator biography, Educational front/back matter, Glossary of key words, Index, Informative sidebars, Phonetics, Photo captions, Sources for further research, Suggested websites, and Table of contents

—James A. Cox

Products Reviewed

Title   ATOS Format Qty
Cross-Country Skiing
Downhill Skiing
Flag Football
Ice Fishing

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